Saturday, June 12, 2021
Expecting the Unexpected: Why Your Demands for Diversity Make Sense but is More about Cents.
Diversity. Diversity. Diversity. "We need diversity" "We need to see ourselves in comics" "Representation matters". [Insert wack comic book with lots of diversity] Wayment. "I did not ask for this!???" "Who is this writer?" "Am I being pranked?" "Who gave this SJW the keys to Marvel and DC kingdoms?" Questions. Questions. Questions. Now chances are, you have either made one of those statements or asked one or perhaps all of those questions. Which is why expecting the unexpected is just a 10 pound knapsack. All the while you are trying to shove 20 pounds of diversity into said 10 pound knapsack. Now, understand something. I am for diversity when it is done right. Everything that is passing for diversity these days isn't. Maybe this is just uncharted water and we are just making it all up while we sail along.
Nah. If I know anything about capitalism, I know that nothing just happens. I also know that diversity takes a back seat to the long term agenda. You see the truth of the matter is comics are changing. You can hear people lament and whine about "western" comics on YouTube. You can hear all sorts of "diverse" voices talking about SJW agendas, writers with no real talent masking as moles in the comic book community. Yes, there is a reason while Manga and Anime dominate today. However, it isn't because they are better alternatives. IMHO Truthfully, the big two are looking past the past and into the future. The demographics that made them a fortune, will not be the same demographics that will make them a fortune in the future. Many voices in the community think that the SJW stuff is a ship passing in the night, while others know and see that comics have and will continue to change because America for starters is changing. The thought is "no one is buying this" is folly because long boxes in hundreds of comic shops are filled with millions of comics "no one bought". For example, comics with Black characters. For the longest you could go a random shop and finds gold mines in dollar bins. Just recently in a shop in El Paso, I bought a Adam Legend of the Blue Marvel #4 for one dollar in good to fine condition.
That same book on Ebay and shops goes for more than 60 dollars. How did this book find itself in that dollar bin? No one cared. There was no demand for a book coveted by Black collectors in a city with a predominately Mexican and White demographic. Its no different in many cities across of America. White readers see comics with Black faces and decide to not buy. The attitude is no different when it comes to some of the diversity today. It might not sell now, but the thought at the end of the day is that it will eventually. DC and Marvel are businesses who make money. They do not lose money. Diversity is one of those "cost of doing business" things. Why because, even if people have agendas attached to their offerings; The truth of the matter is people want to see themselves. Nothing wrong with that at all. For the purists its sacrilege. The day of catering to white males only is over as far as comics go. So as I close this out, here is a question. Whats the solution for Black collectors and fans? Go and dig in those long boxes in these comic shops. Chances are you will come across a comic book that someone looked at and said "I aint buying this". Their view of "trash" is now your "treasure". There is a reason many comic books that have Black characters, particularly superheroes at times were completely covered. You could not see their faces or their hands. The fear was that the White consumer would not buy the books. That fear historically has been one of truth. You don't believe me? Google Lobo and Dell Comics for one such story. Anyway. It is what it is. In this month of June, the culture is celebrating Pride month. DC and Marvel put out books with diverse characters who are apart of the LGBTQ community. In the comic shops I have been to, I have seen displays of stacks of books. It makes you think, "no one is buying that" and it will disappear into long box purgatory. Where some kid one day may just happen upon it and buy a book or two and smile because they got it for a few cents on the dollar.
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