Friday, February 18, 2022
Tell Me A Story: A Lamentation
I miss Dwayne McDuffie. I just did not know it until I went into one of my DC long boxes and pulled out several issues of Justice League that Mr. McDuffie wrote on. As I made my way through a decent amount of books including a Milestone DC crossover, I was captured by the story and my thirst to read more was barely satisfied. Why? I was just enjoying a past time hobby. I was able teleport my mind into this world and take a seat. I was not invited and then suddenly rushed out of the room. I was not only invited, but I was encouraged to stay for a spell. I caught a glimpse of Dr John Henry Irons working alongside Batman. I got a chance to observe Vixen share a moment of transparency with her former love Bronze Tiger. I bugged out on Superman and Icon putting on a show for everyone just so their comrades wouldn't know that they are secretly working together. It felt right but for whatever reason their respective groups probably detest them if they dared to be "friends". I even saw Anansi spinning a web for good measure.
McDuffie's writing in comics has always been fun to read. His writing on the original Static book is very funny. It was that book that made me nearly puke over the reboot. Cats were explaining to me that this was a new day. New day meaning new way. My stubborn behind was like, "no way". Virgil Hawkins is supposed to funny, lighthearted and quick with the wit. While I cannot be mad at the new approach to Static as a character, I remain a fierce advocate for the original writing and source material. Dwayne McDuffie did not just start telling jokes in Static. The creation of Damage Control by McDuffie is hilarious. Who would be so bold as to send Dr. Doom a bill for damages? His writing is the stuff of nerdiness. It was wonderful that in the latest Spiderman movie, he was credited for his creation which was used in the movie. Its one of those full circle moments because the first issue of Damage Control features Spiderman on the cover.
While McDuffie's writing was cut with a heavy dose of humor, he could be very serious. The Deathlok run he wrote was fantastic. He was able to detail the struggle of Micheal Collins, who is a Deathlok, a killing machine with a conscious. McDuffie tackles heavy issues like identity or drawing parallels from W.E.B. DuBois. McDuffie also utilized many characters in the Marvel universe in this particular run. Black Panther, Misty Knight, Punisher, Ghost Rider and even Moses Magnum make appearances in the run. McDuffie's writing makes you think, whether you are laughing or in a somber mood. When I think about writing, I think about what the writer is trying to communicate? Some writers can over think things and some can even be too simple. Dwayne's writing in short was balanced. When he wrote the character Buck Wild which was a spoof of Luke Cage, his message was clear. He wanted Marvel to know that he "saw" them. While we all know and love Luke Cage, we are not lost upon the idea that this character's beginnings is questionable. Yet, no one ever really called Marvel out on it. McDuffie did it with style in Icon #13. It was these little things he did and more that only added to his legend. He was an educator. He was an artist. He was a genius. In a few days on February 21st, our brother will have been gone 11 years. Funny thing is I have not seen any Black History tributes or nothing on Dwayne McDuffie. While a lot of blerds and geeks are bugging on cover art for Black History Month, I do not know if anyone is aware that Dwayne McDuffie is Black History. For those of us who love reading comic books that have faces that look like you and me, we owe debt of gratitude to the one of the GOATS. People love drawings and coloring in comics but for me, I am a story guy. I just wish my man was here to tell me another story.
Sunday, February 6, 2022
The King and I
"... kings just rule and most are never understood" - KRS-One (My Philosophy)
The new Black Panther run by John Ridley is in full swing. It is a run that is only 3 issues thus far. However, it is shaping up to be an exceptional run on the Black Panther character. Yet, of course like some things that are amazing; There is a glitch in the matrix. This glitch however comes in the form of the previous run by Ta-nehisi Coates in the Intergalatic Republic of Wakanda. This particular run and its mix of coming of age with Afro futurism gave Black Panther comic heads a massive headache. While I do believe that time will be kind to this run, right about now its something a lot us just assume forget about. T'Challa is a slave at the beginning of that run and he ends up being the emperor. Yay T'Challa! But... At the cost of being the head of an Intergalatic Empire, T'Challa is King in title but not in teeth. Wakanda made the decision to experiment with democracy. A decision that T'Challa is respecting but clearly is annoyed by the bureaucracy that democracy affords. This transitory position has placed T'Challa in a bizarre space. It is clear that Wakanda still needs him to be the king but they do not want kingship governance. Which is like telling the Black Panther to be that ferocious cat just do not use your claws. You know how it is in the hood we all know that cat who is feared and is ferocious. He is the dude you go get when its time to set it off. However, you really don't want the guy around you for that same reason. T'Challa is that guy. He has protected Wakanda and though he is still respected, he is not the authority. He still holds influence but this new government which is in its infancy is experiencing growing pains. Therefore, T'Challa's wisdom is still coveted by certain leaders.
In the midst of all the pandemonium, an attack occurs on a couple of T'Challa's agents in the earth. We have specify earth because of T'Challa's galactic realm jurisdiction. One of the agents killed is T'Challa's best friend. So begins the journey of T'Challa making his way around the world to where his secret agents are located. These secret agents are "sleeper cells". T'Challa is fighting an enemy he does not know. Yet it is clear they know him. T'Challa is making his way to each agent to shut down the cells. He wants to protect those who he has enlisted but also he wants to make sure Wakanda and his antics are not exposed to the world at large. Each cell was to embed themselves into where they were and live their lives as regular citizenry. These plans have been in place for years and certainly before the change in power. T'Challa isn't the calm and cool cat we know him to be. Now he is paranoid, burdened and full of grief. Some have questioned the writing on the run because we see citizens who once adored the King come off as very disrespectful. Oh how the mighty have fallen! You cannot talk to your sovereign just any kind of way. He is the king. There is no way you live and talk to the king in a disrespectful manner. Yes. You are right but even a broken clock is right twice a day!
Yet, what is the big idea? Why is Ridley writing and allowing such uncouth behavior from those once loyal to T'Challa? Is it deconstruction? Is it just a lack of respect? I think it is both. Here me out. T'Challa is a mystical figure for intents and purposes. He is very smart. He is very powerful and rich. He is a hero among heroes. Steve Rogers and Reed Richards count him among their closest friends and ally. He is the most powerful and resourceful Black hero on the planet. So, is he a god? No. He is just a man. However, he is the man. He is cat you go get when its going down. However for all the wonderful attributes that T'Challa posesses. He poses as a threat. Steve Rogers wonders out loud where his allegiance lies. His secrets run deep. His own sister is baffled by it. Who is he loyal to? He visits Storm to get some air and bask in her presence but it only seems he was there to deactivate a cell at Arakko. He is a complicated man. PLus he is Black. Why bring that up captain obvious? We who are descendants of kings and queens are royalty. Yet we are not respected as royalty. Your teachers may know you are the children of the first civilizations but you are treated like third world peasants. You see those citizens who look like you as less than. You call them Negroes who are necro. Is it a wonder that one of T'Challa's titles is King of the Dead? We abuse another, harbor secrets and wonder why we are disrespected. T'Challa mourns in silence, which is what many Black men do. He cannot trust even those closest to him to be transparent. He has to act as if everything is fine and all he does is because he is a king. The man is dying inside and cannot be truthful with those he loves because the truth will injure them. Gentle iniates a hug in one panel of issue #3. The scene is riveting because Gentle loves T'Challa and he needs to express that love. T'Challa happily obliges because he too loves Gentle and he needs to express something because he is wounded. He is the Black Panther but wounded nonetheless. There are very few things more dangerous than a wounded animal. While I do not compare T'Challa to an animal perse'. I recognize his avatar. We, like him, if we are honest are wounded beings. I will stop short of saying you need therapy and healing. Not because I know you need it but each man and woman has a right to decide what is best for them. However, I will say that as Black Panther run continues; think about yourself. What would you do? Who are you? King? Queen? Negro? Nobody. For me. I see life for what it is in comics. In this case, I will think on T'Challa, the King and I.
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Free to Win, Or Free to Lose (translation: Drop a deuce or chunk up a deuce)
The quandary of liberation is likened to a undigested meal sitting in the bottom of your stomach. You may want to go about your business bu...