Thursday, July 4, 2024

Free to Win, Or Free to Lose (translation: Drop a deuce or chunk up a deuce)

The quandary of liberation is likened to a undigested meal sitting in the bottom of your stomach. You may want to go about your business but the feeling you are experiencing tells you that you had better not go anywhere right now. It behooves you to stay close to the ivory throne. This is a pickle that for whatever reason is a right now feeling. That right now feeling keeps playing over and over and over again in our minds and will not let us go. It is as if an enemy has placed a gag reel in our collective minds telling us stay where you are. You are fine. Status quo isn't so bad. Look at what you have. Can you really trust in something you cannot see? One of the interesting things about faith is that its based upon believing in something you cannot see but the evidence of it exists all around you.
Today is the fourth of July. It is America's biggest holiday, Independence Day. For some of us it means a lot. For some of us, it means little to nothing. It is interesting in that people who think little to nothing about the holiday are often its biggest celebrators. Oh sure, you wont go out and get the red, white and blue paper plates. You wont go and post a gazillion flags around your lawn. However, you will spring for a slab of ribs and a sack of fireworks. Perhaps you will just go to the movies and help the econony that way. Just maybe you will burn 20 dollars on gas to park at a spot where you can see the fireworks go off. Maybe you and your favorite uncle will break out the dominos and play a little Maze. Either way, its your call. You can go on social media and thumb your nose at everybody celebrating the fourth. You can post that Frederick Douglass speech for the 10th time. You did it on My Space, then Black Planet, then you did it on Black Voices, then you did it on Facebook, then you did it on Twitter, then again when it changed to X and I'm sure Tiktok will get a nod too. Its your call.
Just pick a struggle. Too often folks are not happy with what they have to pick from. Smells like entitlement. You get what you get and folks ought to be happy that they do not always get what they truly deserve. So many people lament over their worthiness. Instead they like to talk about knowing their value and that right there keeps a lot of people from making solid and sound decisions. I do not understand how folks don't mind driving and flying hundreds of miles to gamble and risk losing money but will not take a calculated risk to free themselves. That will preach. As a Black comic book fan, I spend time listening to different people talk about what the big two are not doing. They complain and complain, present company included. There is an opportunity that has been made available to all of us who desire to see a story filled with Black characters and done by Black creators called Epiphany Engine. This project highlights characters from several Black independent companies and creators. Something like this has never been done before on this level. The talent is top notch and story boasts top writers in the comic book community. In short, this is that what so many of us have wanted to see. A cosmic story rooted in Afro Futurism bringing together all these different characters and ideas one place. Why? Because we can. Because we can. Because we can. Did I say it? Because we can. This is an opportunity to participate in the empowerment of our culture and community at large. One can give as much as one wants. You can give a dollar or a thousand or a few thousand. Many people are supporting this project but clearly a lot of people are not. Why? I am not sure. I will not throw my people under the proverbial bus because things are not going as I "think" they should. What I will say is that there is no excuse. This project should have been funded on day one. That did not happen for whatever reason. All I know is that if you have any desire to see your presence in a beautiful 192 page graphic novel with a Black family leading the way, I suggest that you go to kickstarter and search Epiphany Engine. It is time to think and live outside the realm of status quo. it is time to act and stop considering. We have done enough considering. Folks are having conversations about conversations and nothing is done to move the needle or improve nothing. It was once said that freedom is a road seldom traveled by the multitude. Then let us go to freedom and leave the multitude to their tired complaints. Are you tired in being a prisoner in a room with an open door? Will you be free? Make up your mind. Drop a deuce or chunk up a deuce.

Free to Win, Or Free to Lose (translation: Drop a deuce or chunk up a deuce)

The quandary of liberation is likened to a undigested meal sitting in the bottom of your stomach. You may want to go about your business bu...