Sunday, August 1, 2021
Black Unity... Seldom Seen and Seldom Heard
The head space I am in is interesting. Like my favorite rapper Scarface once rapped in a song called "Sleeping with my Nikes On", "...everybody waiting on a cake, I'm waiting on a break". These last few weeks have been interesting needless to say. I saw some dope stuff happen and I saw sucka ish happen. All of which revolve around a complicated word unity. Or to be really honest a mind boggling ideal called Black Unity. There is nothing we cannot do when we are unified. The trouble though is finding like minded people who are willing to surrender personal agendas and checking egos at the door.
Since this is supposed to be a Black comic book blog, I guess I had better talk about some Black characters and Black unity. First of all, it is not something we see all the time. We do not see Black characters together often. Usually its one or two, maybe three at the most. Most often, they are not unified around the liberation of their people. Its usually something alien or a wizard involved. You wont see Black characters together in a comic book fighting for justice. It just doesn't happen. Lets be honest and keep it a stack; its not something you might not ever see on a mainstream level. The only way you see a Black team come together is in a YouTube video or a facebook post. "Create a dope super Black team" "Create a dope Black X-Men team" Will you ever see that Black superhero team in a book? Probably not. Oh sure, Coates' Black Panther run did put out the Blackest cover in the history Marvel. The Black Panther #24 is historic in that regard.
Does it give you hope? Perhaps. Yet, the reality of the matter is this. Mainstream comic companies like Marvel and DC have historically always kept Melinated beings to a maximum of 2, maybe 3 when they are feeling wavy. Yet, putting them on the same team. Rare. The only real exception has been the Ultimates. The Ultimates had Black Panther, Blue Marvel, and Spectrum on the team along with Captain Marvel and America Chavez. This team was very powerful and not around that long for that reason. Some think that many Black Superheroes skill sets make them too powerful and they would not do well together because being able to beat the breaks off everyone just isn't fun for the fanboys. It is way past time for an all Black Team. Not a (People of Color) team. NO. I want to see an all Black Team. No token white characters, no other ethnic groups that don't recognize the struggle until a few of them get touched up by white supremacy. Nope. Until that minor miracle happens. I will go the indy route. Starting with The Almighty Street Team by Street Team Studios for example. Nobody is rushing to send their books into CGC or CBCS. Yet, they check the boxes. Well for me they check the best box. Black. Delta Dogs by Millenial Comics is another. So the truth is out there, its just not at your local comic shop. Maybe I am asking to much from the big two. However, I cannot help but feel that with the roster of Black superheroes at Marvel and DC. This isnt being unrealistic or a far reach. DC has put out some good Black comic book content a little while now but I need to see more. Shoot, as far as I'm concerned they playing catch up. Perhaps creating new heroes and new universes to cheer is the key. Part of me as an old head wants the old to become new. Yet like Slim Charles had to tell Bodie "...the thing about the old days, is that they the old days". Maybe I'm just hoping one day to hold a comic book that features an all Black team reading to put in work. A nigga could hope for nothing less. Until then, I'm rock with this Almighty Street Team and day dream about Black Unity in life and comics. Seldom Seen and Seldom Heard. - Richard J Wright
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Free to Win, Or Free to Lose (translation: Drop a deuce or chunk up a deuce)
The quandary of liberation is likened to a undigested meal sitting in the bottom of your stomach. You may want to go about your business bu...

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