It is day 3 of Kwanzaa and today's principle is called Ujima. Ujima means to build and maintain our community together ande make our brother's and sister's problems our problems and to solve them together. According to the bible, Cain asked God if he was his brother's keeper. Of course he would ask this rhetorical question after murdering him. It is the first recorded instance where this particular question is asked. Am I my brother's keeper? This thought is deep. The principle itself is asking us to take ownership of our brother's and sister's problem. Strange enough, the Black Panther run by John Ridley puts this principle to the test. Several times throughout the run, T'Challa calls on Shuri to help him. She helps and at times reluctantly does so. There is no question as to whether Shuri loves T'Challa. It does not matter if she disagrees with him. She ALWAYS helps him.

The dynamic of them being blood siblings is interesting. They have a playful banter with one another and they are down for one another regardless of the situation. They may dislike what one another is doing but they remain loyal to one another. Honestly, all of us can learn from them. When they have an issue, they help one another. I think their relationship is present but not always in the hearts of their fans. I took a deeper notice recently after watching Black Panther Wakanda Forever for a second time. While T'Challa was not in the movie. I could see Shuri carrying him in her heart. As she explained to her mother in the movie concerning the heart shaped herb, she did not care about the throne or the Black Panther. She was trying to save her brother.

It is no secret that relationships between Black people are stressed. There is a lot of finger pointing but not enough self examination which is why the good Lord gave us 3 fingers pointing right back at ourselves when we try to accuse one another of anything. We all should ask the question. What can I do to make my brother and sister life better? We are to be concerned with the problems we face and take on the responsibility of solving them together. At some point we need to build our community and that only happens when we reach out and work together; that is a start. Will it be easy? Nope. Yet, the rewards are unity and peace with one another. We need this principle to be a priority in our community because too many people have gotten way too comfortable in their dysfunction which nowadays gets idiotically called "peace" There is no peace without my brother or sister, just ask Shuri. -Richard J Wright
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