Saturday, January 8, 2022
The Spook Who Sat by the Door
Forgive me but I'm going to fire some shots at the upcoming What If story featuring Miles Morales. Now I get that it's a What If story and all that. I think What If books are cool. Its nice that Marvel is bringing them black, I mean back. However, this is low hanging fruit. Now to be honest, I'm really not a Miles Morales guy. Truthfully, in my most gangsta opinion, he's Marvel's version of Static. (sorry guys, you see Miles Morales, I see Virgil Hawkins) Please do not get me wrong, I respect Miles Morales and I do think he can be a better Spiderman than Peter Parker. Yet, it is still too early to even approach that claim. Please give the guy a real rogues gallery complimentary to Peter Parker Spiderman and I might put Miles on my pull list. Miles Morales has been around now for 10 years and he's not going anywhere. I'm not mad about it. I'm determined not to start a YouTube channel and complain about how terrible comics are even though I keep reading, reviewing and buying them) I'm not even on some gatekeeper canonical stuff. I just think this is a money grab for Marvel. Miles makes money. Facts. However, this book makes no sense Marvel; unless you just being greedy Marvel. Listen kinfolk, Mickey's pimp hand is strong and last time I checked nobody is knocking down the house that Mickey built. Do not let that cute castle you see at the beginning of Disney films fool you. No. The real castle looks like a fortress complete with barbwire and a moat filled with hungry alligators. It makes Castle Dracula look like a 4 year old's doll house. Now, while this is going on. A Spiderman movie just hit the theaters with no Miles Morales in sight. No first appearance, no cameo, no end credit scene. Now that's pimpin'. Get all the Peters together and have a kumbuya moment, shed some tears, add a few bad guys and cats are like, "Miles who?". Of course, the Blerd or Black comic community was let down. Niggas always medal in the victim of White Supremacy olympics. Bammas was all on ebay getting their Ultimate Fallout 4s ready to get some serious coin. Weeks and weeks of anticipation. Blerds ready to get their Miles Morales cosplay on. Yep. Except. Marvel goes Marvel. Which can only mean one obvious thing,
Now it has been weeks since the New Spiderman movie made its debut right in the middle of the Omnicron Imperial Fleet. Darth Fauci is in shadows with more variants than a Marvel comic book. I just heard that it passed Black Panther for number 5 on the all time list. (sighs). Yeah its a lot fecal matter to go around on this one. . "But hey don't worry Miles Morales fans we got a What If story for you guys. Its a dope story too coming out in March 2022. Right after Black History Month!" [man, you can't make this up]. So the word is that Miles gets injected with the Tuskegee Syphillis experim... (oops sorry guys, wrong paper) I'm mean the super soldier serum and becomes all swole in the nose and lips. (man... Marvel is all in!). I wonder what the story is about other than that. I do have a story idea for Marvel though.
How about Miles Morales, the token becoming a Captain America the token and then recruit a bunch of young Black brothers and train them to start the revolution we have been talking about for several decades. We don't have reinvent the wheel. All we gotta do steal the idea from Sam Greenlee's book. The Spook Who Sat by the Door. The book is about a CIA operative who is a token. He is simply there for the appearance of diversity. Kinda like Miles you could say.
The lead character Dan Freeman secretly is a Black nationalist and uses his top tokenized position to train freedom fighters in a nutshell. So I figure since we got a token Black Spiderman in a What If story playing tokenized Sam Wilson Captain America, he might as well go all out start the next revolutionary war. We can get a somebody to stream Gil Scott Heron's "The Revolution will not be Televised" on continous repeat. He can go find Triathlon's tailor and get out of those Black, Blue and White threads for the Red, Black and Green.
Then he really do something heroic and cancel all student loan debt and smash every known copy of Sir Francis Scott Key's National Anthem and commission Stevie Wonder, Beyonce, Kendrick Lamar, Kirk Franklin, and Common perhaps to create a new anthem. Sorry old heads, James Weldon Johnson's "Lift every voice and sing" aint gonna cut the mustard in this revolution. Yeah, put that What If story out and title it "What If the Token Captain America was really Black, like fareal fareal Boots on the ground, RBG Black?" or for cosmetic purposes, "The Spook Who Sat by the Door" -Richard J Wright
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Free to Win, Or Free to Lose (translation: Drop a deuce or chunk up a deuce)
The quandary of liberation is likened to a undigested meal sitting in the bottom of your stomach. You may want to go about your business bu...

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